
Es posible que algunos habréis usado la aplicación para móviles Fing, yo la descubrí hace mas de un año y me enamoré de ella. Es una aplicación que escanea los dispositivos de la Red, identificándolos y ofreciéndonos toda la información. Obviamente no hace nada novedoso, pero al igual que Apple lo hace tan bien y de forma tan sencilla que es una gozada usarlo.
Especificaciones del Hardware:
- OS: Linux operating system
- CPU: ARM 7 processor
- Ethernet Network: 1 GB/s Ethernet port
- Storage: 4GB home board storage
- Memory: 512 MB RAM
- Principales Características:
- 24/7 Network Security:In a matter of seconds, Fingbox automatically finds all devices on the network regardless of brand. It’s a form of systems monitoring that checks the status of all device continuously, including those essential to home security like smart locks and thermostats.
- Intruder detection: Detection of intruders.
- Device blocking: Real-time device blocking functionalities to keep your system secure. Device blocking also acts as a simple form of parental control.
- Bandwidth analysis: Fingbox lets users visualizes bandwidth distribution and which devices are consuming the most broadband.
- Wi-Fi Speed: Fingbox’s interactive Wi-Fi Sweet Spot finder enables users to find the best and worst places for home Wi-Fi connection.
- Parental Control:A simple form of parental control, users can block and allow the devices their kids use like tablets, mobile phones and gaming consoles.
- Alerts:Alerts can be configured for new devices, intruders, device status, network, family and guests.
- Internet Speed:Real-time and historic internet speed is displayed in the apps through automated speed and latency testing.
- Service Quality: Users can find out how fast applications are performing like Facebook and YouTube.